6 Ways Counseling Helps You Get Unstuck
Do you ever feel like a hamster on a wheel—as if you are going through the motions of life, but not actually moving forward? People often come to counseling when they are in this state of stuck-ness. Here’s how we’ve heard clients describe their personal brand of...
Listen Like a Counselor – How to Help Your Depressed Teen
Teen depression can bring an array of emotions and behaviors that parents struggle to understand. An urge to isolate, to experience intense feelings alone Difficulty maintaining motivation with chores or homework Disinterest in usual hobbies or interests An opposite...
Body Acceptance Part 2: The Scale—Friend or Foe?
In Part 1 of this series, we discussed strategies for eliminating unhelpful self-criticism about your body. In this article, we will explore frequent weighing as a potential contributor to poor body image. Following a cognitive behavioral counseling approach, we know...
Seasonal Affective Disorder in Vancouver, WA
In Vancouver, Washington there are approximately 143 sunny days per year. That makes for 222 cloudy, gloomy days! In fact, it is so cloudy here that weather forecasters have a special term— “sun breaks”—to describe the periodic bursts of sunshine that are both rare...
Body Acceptance: PART 1—An Unexpected Lesson From Star Wars
Anyone that saw the movie poster for Star Wars: Episode One could have been easily mislead into thinking this would be an epic movie. The image of Darth Vader's shadow lurking beside the figure of innocent Anakin Skywalker is thought-provoking and thrilling! Yet,...
How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids
Most parents don’t feel super great after yelling at their kids. In fact, no matter how justified the outburst seemed at the moment, it’s more than likely that both the parent and the kid are left feeling terrible afterward. Research is beginning to indicate that...
5 Steps to Coping with Panic Attacks
Unless you are face-to-face with a bear or another physical danger, nothing feels more terrifying than a panic attack. Many have gone to the Emergency Room fearing heart attacks, strokes, and death. With symptoms including chest tightening, throat constricting, and...
Depression & Obsession: Social Media Disclaimers
At no other time in history have we been able to connect so well with long-distance loved-ones, receive instant feedback on an idea, belly laugh at goofy memes, or find welcome distraction in someone else’s story. In many ways, social media has been a tremendous gift...
Active vs. Passive Anxiety
Have you ever felt like someone is playing tug-of-war with you, except you are the rope? Being pulled in too many directions can be exhausting, and if it happens over an extended length of time, it can lead to extreme anxiety or burnout. If...
Powerful Thoughts on Self-Worth
Those that have struggled with depression have experienced first-hand the fight for "enoughness." Below you will find words of inspiration meant to challenge your view of self: "If my aim is to prove I am 'enough,' the project goes on to infinity- because the battle...